Wie Craftet Man Boosterschinen In Minecraft

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Wie Craftet Man Boosterschinen In Minecraft. Hoffentlicht gefallt euch das video A beacon is a block that projects a light beam skyward and can provide status effects such as speed, jump boost, haste, regeneration, resistance, or strength to nearby players.

Wie Craftet Man Boosterschinen In Minecraft
WIE CRAFTET MAN eine 10.000 LEGENDÄRE REGENBOGEN from www.youtube.com

Beacon blocks can function as light sources, emitting a light level 15. A beacon can be mined successfully with any tool. When destroyed by an explosion, the block always drops as an item.

Beacon Blocks Can Function As Light Sources, Emitting A Light Level 15.

Hoffentlicht gefallt euch das video When destroyed by an explosion, the block always drops as an item. A beacon is a block that projects a light beam skyward and can provide status effects such as speed, jump boost, haste, regeneration, resistance, or strength to nearby players.

A Beacon Can Be Mined Successfully With Any Tool.

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