Swtor Wie Fängt Man Hk51 An. If you unlock hk at level 10 he cannot equip his stock gear. This is because one of hk 51’s components is obtained from the other faction’s territory but it.
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Hallo ich hab da eine frage zu. This is because one of hk 51’s components is obtained from the other faction’s territory but it. I'd hate to have to tell him he has to wait until level 75 to get his hk (he's 57 right now).
Das Abenteuer, Um Diese Tödlichsten Aller Attentäterdroiden Als Mitglied Deiner Crew Zu.
If you unlock hk at level 10 he cannot equip his stock gear. 04.04.2013 , 12:06 pm | #1: You can mail it to your main) the more the merrier.
It Doesn’t Have To Be High Level (Level 15 Is Ok).
This is because one of hk 51’s components is obtained from the other faction’s territory but it. Hallo ich hab da eine frage zu. 04.05.2013 , 02:09 am | #2:
All The Guides Mention Having To Do The Foundry On Master Mode To Get One Of The Pieces, Is This Still Necessary?
This is because one of hk 51’s components is obtained from the other faction’s territory but it is bind on legecy (i.e. It doesn’t have to be high level (level 15 is ok). I'd hate to have to tell him he has to wait until level 75 to get his hk (he's 57 right now).
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